14 April, 2010

Body & Top.

I hope somebody finds this amusing.

When it came to putting the top on the body, i realised I didn't have either enough clamps OR the right kind of clamps. So a bit of a compromise was made. I scribed a centre line down the top of the body to indicate where the centre of the bookmatch would fall, then applied white PVA wood glue to the surface using a spreader with teeth for an even covering (a little like ceramic tile spreaders).

I applied the Maple top as two separate pieces ensuring the centre of the bookmatch lined up with the centre line of the body and then using off-cuts, long enough to spread the pressure, used all my clamps around the project to marry the two together.

To add a little more weight, I threw on my toolbox and a hammer. That 1lb or so might make all the difference. LOL

After a day, it was dry enough to remove the clamps and use the body itself as a template to route out the top. The centre line you see here is a pencil mark, as opposed to a gap.

As you can see from the image above, I have also routed out the pockets for the pickups. Once more using paper and MDF templates which can be re-used. Both pockets are identical and are down the correct depth allowing for a small amount to yet be removed from the top plane.

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